The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation continues to monitor Niantic Bay Beach

Arial Photo of Niantic Bay Beach and Groin

On November 6, 2019, theEast Lyme Public Trust Foundation, in partnership with the East Lyme Parks andRecreation Dept., met to discuss their annual survey of Niantic Bay Beach,which they have conducted for the last 5 years. Gerwick/Mereen, a surveying company of East Lyme, reported that thebeach has remained relatively stable.

Surveyors Bob Conigliaroand Mike Mason presented sketches of the 2,200 feet of beach front data,depicting the cumulative changes over the five-year period, They noted the slightbuildup of more sand at the eastern end of the beach, near the breakwatergroin, in contrast to a slight loss at the western end. The surveyors alsofound that the expanse of beach vegetation cover has increased over two andone-half times over the five year period, with more pronounced growth on thewestern end.

At the meeting JamesGallagher, who supervises the project for the Foundation, remarked inparticular about the success of the vegetation aspect. A retired U.S. Navycivilian oceanographer, Gallagher has overseen beach grass plantings in 2016and 2018 by UConn and East Lyme High School students. Dr. Juliana Barrett ofConnecticut Sea Grant also has helped monitor the plantings. This vegetationgrowth has been instrumental in helping to build and retain wind-blown sand,especially abutting the Boardwalk.

Parks and Rec DirectorDave Putnam, who was also encouraged by the findings, pointed out that mostbeach-goers occupy the eastern end of the beach, where more sand hasaccumulated.  His Department willcontinue to support these efforts which are so vital to beach maintenance.

Thisstudy, which offers a rare opportunity to monitor beach dynamics, is part of abroad study the Public Trust Foundation initiated in 2015 at the urging of Dr.Frank Bohlen, an Oceanographer and Professor Emeritus in the Marine SciencesDepartment at the University of Connecticut. It involves assessing the effectsof storms and tidal flows on the beach sand stability, managing the area, andmonitoring the role of beach vegetation in dune formation.

Afterhaving collected this initial baseline data, the Foundation and Parks and Rec.Department have agreed to stretch the survey time frame to two year intervalsand also to possibly after significant storm events. Currently, there appearsto be no need for additional plantings. Copies of the current findings will be forwarded to the State DEEP.  The Foundation also plans to make these findingsavailable on its website,


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